NYA Update: Comment -- An Institute for Youth Work?

Amanda Fearn
Friday, October 14, 2011

If you look for "professional institute" in Wikipedia you will find a huge list of them. This perhaps suggests that practitioners get something from them and see a value and purpose in a platform that supports and gives voice to like-minded people working in a profession.

For many years the notion of an Institute for Youth Work (IYW) has been discussed across the sector. The current political and financial circumstances provide a real focus for this debate to be had once again and to consider whether an independent body governed and directed by its membership can add value to existing structures for youth work.

The Catalyst work programme (further details right) gives the opportunity to explore this. The canvas is blank. NYA's role is to facilitate the path towards establishing the level of support for an institute and, if this is in place, lead the development to the point where an institute can stand alone.

The youth work sector and workforce is incredibly diverse and the exploration for an institute will require open, honest and detailed consultation and debate. We need to keep in mind what holds us together as well as the differences we need to consider. This is likely to be a really interesting yet complex journey. This first phase is designed to explore the possible principles, values and functions for an institute and establish whether there is sufficient support to explore this further. Phase two, if required, will then unpick the detail behind each and every aspect of an Institute for Youth Work.

Hopefully, all those who work within youth work will be keen to have a voice in this consultation. See our lead story for more details.

Amanda Fearn, development officer, National Youth Agency amandaf@nya.org.uk

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